Terms of Conditions
Welcome to Mama Nurtured. By continuing to browse and utilise this website you are agreeing to the terms and conditions of Mama Nurtured, as outlined below. If you have any further enquiries regarding the information within this section, please contact us.
We aim to provide holistic health support based on naturopathic principles. We do not intend or claim to diagnose or treat any health condition. Always consult with your doctor or healthcare provider before implementing any changes to your healthcare routine. There is no professional relationship formed by your visit to our website unless you explicitly choose to work with us by purchasing our services.
All online content on this website, www.mamanurtured.com.au, is solely provided for informational purposes, and should not replace the advice & knowledge of a health care professional.
Kelsea Bell completed her qualification at Endeavour College of Natural Health and is currently a practitioner within the Australian Natural Therapists Association (ANTA).
PDF handout information:
The online resources available on our website are in PDF format and are intended for personal educational use only. You may purchase, download, print, and use the resources for your own educational purposes.
You may not reproduce, distribute, modify, or sell the online PDF resources or any derivative works based on them without our explicit written permission.
Intellectual property copyright:
The content of this website is protected by copyright. No portion of this website may be copied, replicated or sold in any form without my written consent. I am happy for you to share my content via social media sites, but you must provide a link back to my website and clearly credit me by name in the post.
Your Responsibilities
Kelsea Bell will always strive to provide you with the best naturopathic care possible. However, if you do not provide me with accurate information about your health, I may not be able to offer you the most appropriate treatment for your condition and therefore you may not see the results you desire.
You must provide me with full and accurate information about your diagnosed medical conditions, medications or supplements, known allergies and intolerances, so I can ensure safety of treatment and check for pharmacological interactions with any herbs or nutrients I prescribe.
Service Policies
Bookings and Payments
A $50 deposit is required at the time of booking to secure your appointment. This deposit will be applied toward your consultation fee. Deposits are non-refundable for cancellations made less than 24 hours prior to your appointment. Payment for all services is due at the time of consultation unless otherwise agreed upon.
Cancellation and Rescheduling Policy
We require a minimum of 24 hours' notice to cancel or reschedule an appointment. If you cancel or reschedule your appointment with less than 24 hours' notice, you will be charged a cancellation fee of 50% of the consultation fee. In the case of a no-show, you will be charged 100% of the consultation fee.
If your booking has been made through Cliniko and you wish to cancel your appointment, please use the cancellation button in the email containing your booking appointment details.
If for any reason your practitioner cannot attend an appointment due sickness or unforeseen circumstances, the client will be advised as soon as possible. Mama Nurtured offers the client option to re-schedule or a full refund.
Late Arrival Policy
If you arrive late for your scheduled appointment, we may need to shorten your appointment time to ensure that we can accommodate our other clients' scheduled appointments. In this case, you will be charged the full consultation fee.
Privacy Policy
Kelsea Bell (BHSc Naturopathy) recognises and follows the requirements of the Commonwealth Privacy Act 1988 and the Australian Privacy Principles. The Privacy and Confidentiality Policy ensures security and safety of all personal details of clients in clinic, and online. Breaches of Privacy will not be accepted by this business.
Client information and data will not be shared, discussed or acknowledged outside of consultations, and all online information will be protected. Information is only to be accessed by Kelsea Bell. View our full privacy policy Here.